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Create a new Webiny app by running:

npx create-webiny-project my-webiny-project

Or try our starters for Gatsby or Next.js

Four Applications in One

  • Headless CMS for writing and storing your articles, blog posts, and page content
  • File Manager to store your images, videos and other files that are served via CDN
  • Page Builder so you can build static landing pages easily without involvement from developers
  • Form Builder to make forms and receive submissions without needing a 3rd party or an engineering team

Enterprise CMS for Custom Web Development

Webiny provides a framework for your teams to build your own unique product. It is built to be highly customizable: you can modify the admin UI, the GraphQL resolvers, and even scaffold, build and deploy entirely new applications! All of this is achieved through composable, pluginable architecture using TypeScript, React, GraphQL, Recoil, Pulumi and a host of other exciting, modern, community accepted tools and libraries.

✅ GraphQL based. ✅ Open Source. ✅ Built-in File Manager. ✅ Internationalization. ✅ Multi-site. ✅ Static Page Builder.

Decouple Marketing Needs from Engineering

You don’t want your engineers to spend time fixing headlines and moving pixels on the screen. With Webiny, your marketing team has the full control to create and manage content (including content models themselves), landing pages, files and forms across multiple web properties.

We created Webiny with developers in mind. It’s a single platform built with community accepted tools and libraries that's made to be extensible. Webiny has a fully fledged plugin ecosystem which you can use to change the user interface, modify GraphQL resolvers, add new fields, and generally repurpose Webiny into the framework for your business.

The Power and Freedom of Open Source

Businesses rely on Webiny because they see the value in open source tooling they can customize to their own needs. Although many organisations will leverage the features we've already built into Webiny, others will use a team of developers to modify it to their needs. That's something you simply cannot do with a SAAS platform.

Your Data Under Your Terms

Don't be a tenant in someone else's system. Keep your data in your own cloud, under your own security perimeter, obeying your compliance requirements. Unlock greater performance by storing and delivering content closer to your users.

Infinite Scalability

No need to spend weeks building and managing a fault-tolerant infrastructure. With Webiny that’s included. Webiny runs on highly-scalable fault-tolerant serverless services that scale in and out in seconds. You don’t need to do night shifts anymore!

The Future is Serverless

We're really excited by Serverless. We're sure in the future it will be the way how we create most, if not all, web applications. Webiny makes it real easy. You need an AWS account, and the AWS cli set up locally before you begin. Once you have done that it's a single command to deploy. Now you can define your content models (or let your users do it), and start writing your content!

Using Webiny You Get the Full Spectrum of Serverless Benefits Out of the Box

  • High-availability and fault tolerance built in
  • 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of data durability
  • Event-driven scalability - pay for what you use
  • Enterprise-grade secure and scalable ACL
  • Great performance using a global CDN
  • DDoS Protection of your APIs

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