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TerminusCMS at a Glance

TerminusCMS is a headless content management system. Under the hood is a JSON document-oriented knowledge graph made for developers to solve complex enterprise problems. Model schema in code or with the UI to blueprint applications. The schema auto-generates document frames for viewing and editing, all served via REST and GraphQL APIs. Key features include -

  • Human and machine-readable JSON documents
  • RDF graph database where the nodes are JSON for graph queries
  • Change request workflows at the database layer
  • User and team access and authentication at the database layer
  • Git-like collaboration allows operations such as branch, clone, and merge
  • Immutable commit history - See the complete history of documents and see who changed what and when
  • Datalog and GraphQL graph query
  • Distributed design - Work locally and push and pull changes to the cloud
  • Schema migration tools - Evolve and scale applications
  • AI best practice - Graph relationships, metadata, and version control provide the backbone to use your content infrastructure to train AI and exploit the boom of artificial intelligence.
  • Open Source

Get Started

Sign up for free, and clone a demo project to have a play.

clone a demo project to experiment with from the TerminusCMS dashboard

Alternatively, talk through your needs and arrange a demo

Collaboration Model

Exploit TerminusCMS' collaboration model when building and within front-end applications. Features include -

  • Branch and merge with conflict checks - Branch projects with a client or with the dashboard to work in parallel, whether that's for feature development or to surface information to regulators, or for beta testing
  • Time travel - See what content and data looked like in the past with the ability to branch the database from any commit
  • Change request workflows with approvals built into content changes
  • Clone projects with a click of a button
  • Reset, rollback, and rebase operations
  • Diff and patch operations to compare changes and apply patches either automatically or with manual intervention
  • Push and pull to work locally or offline and merge changes later

Useful Links

Find more headless content management systems.